Case Studies

Gary Vee Turns to Texting

This is some text inside of a div block.

The internet’s favorite entrepreneurial voice has spoken.

“Text messaging is opened up for business.” - Gary Vaynerchuk
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Gary Vee is regarded for his inspirational advice and quote-worthy takes on all things entrepreneurial and related to digital media, so when he begins to champion the next big thing, it carries weight. After joining Community for less than a year, the results spoke for themselves.

“I’ve been in the Community ecosystem for the last 6 to 9 months. I’m sure many of you have been frustrated by Facebook or Twitter or Instagram as their algorithms have changed. The impact of driving awareness to content that I’ve been able to do with this Community with a couple hundred thousand people vs. 20 million social followers is an enormous delta.”

Community has allowed Gary to reach his audience in the most direct way possible. Communicating through text cuts through the noise commonly experienced in other communication channels—and it shows.

“This is the most powerful sh*t I’ve seen since early email… ”
“From somebody who has hundreds of thousands of people on text, I’m getting 98% open and 90% engagement... This was actually higher than I expected.”
- Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary recognizes the value of having his audience on text, which is why he’s promoted his number hundreds of times. As a result, Gary’s Community has grown 37 fold after his initial week numbers.

“If you’re lucky enough to have an audience and actually being able to deliver a message to them, then, this is a good idea.”

Ready for your own Community number? Just text us at (323) 310-2202.

And if you already have a Community, take a tip out of Gary’s playbook: the best way to grow is to continue promoting your number. Here are 30 times he found ways to make sure his # was front, center, behind the scenes, and everywhere in between: